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Autorinnen in der Literaturgeschichte: Konsequenzen der ...

Autorinnen in der Literaturgeschichte: Konsequenzen der ...

More editions

32 Gaby Hauptmann: Nur ein toter Mann ist ein guter Mann. München 1996. 33 Gaby Hauptmann: Die Lüge im Bett. München 1997. 34 Gaby Hauptmann: Eine Handvoll Männlichkeit. München 1998. 35 Jil Karoly: Ein Mann für eine Nacht.
Die Lüge im Bett: Roman

Die Lüge im Bett: Roman

Gaby Hauptmann

Mit hinreißend leichter Hand und sprühendem Witz schickt Gaby Hauptmann ihre hellwache und erfrischend durchtriebene Heldin Nina in einen scheinbar undurchdringlichen Dschungel der Gefühle.
Hengstparade: Roman

Hengstparade: Roman

Gaby Hauptmann

Hellas Neugier ist geweckt – und auch Karin will dort endlich nach dem Rechten sehen ... Mit großartigem Humor und einer Prise Erotik entführt Gaby Hauptmann uns in ein ganz besonderes Ferienidyll.
Hängepartie: Roman

Hängepartie: Roman

Gaby Hauptmann

Oder liegt es an ihr? Die Reise nach New York mit dem jungen Liebhaber ihrer Freundin kommt ihr gerade recht ...Dreist, offenherzig, amüsant – Gaby Hauptmann dreht in ihrem neuen Roman den Spieß um und jagt die Männer!
A Handful of Manhood

A Handful of Manhood

Gaby Hauptmann

Wealthy, self-made Gunther Schmidt is celebrating his 60th birthday in style: with sixty guests.
Grabbing the Family Jewels

Grabbing the Family Jewels

Gaby Hauptmann

Anno Adelmann--survivor of two heart attacks--is a wealthy widower, and his four scheming daughters all have designs on his inheritance.
In Search of an Impotent Man

In Search of an Impotent Man

Gaby Hauptmann

She is thirty something, drives her own BMW, lives in her own apartment and likes to run her own life the way she wants it. The book opens with a day when three men prompt her to take radical action.
Kaya Keeps Her Cool

Kaya Keeps Her Cool

Gaby Hauptmann

"It's Christmas time, and one snowy night Kaya finds herself on a rescue mission to round up five utterly neglected, malnourished horses.
Kaya Wants to Get Ahead

Kaya Wants to Get Ahead

Gaby Hauptmann

Mr. Walden, Dreamy's new owner, makes horse-loving Kaya a surprising offer: she can come with his family -- and that includes his dreamy son, Chris -- to inspect a championship pony that Chris wants to buy.
Community Health Nursing

Community Health Nursing

Karen Saucier Lundy

The Pregnancy Project (2013) Gaby Rodriguez: Simon & Schuster. Gaby Rodriguez was a straight-A student who had a secret—she wasn't pregnant. As part of a school project, 17-year-old Gaby faked her pregnancy to see (and document) ...
Suche impotenten Mann fürs Leben: Roman

Suche impotenten Mann fürs Leben: Roman

Gaby Hauptmann

Per Annonce sucht Carmen einen »impotenten Mann fürs Leben« – und landet damit einen Knüller.
The Temptress Four

The Temptress Four

Gaby Triana

Gaby Triana gets right to the heart of that thrilling, nerve-wracking, exhilarating, terrifying, amazing time that comes right after graduation, when the big question is: Where do we go from here?
Save Our Squad, Gaby

Save Our Squad, Gaby

Jen Jones

Although they are graduating, Gaby Fuller and her friends are shocked to learn that, due to budget cuts, the Greenview cheerleading squad will be disbanded, and they organize a protest to try and get the decision reversed.
Pregnancy and Parenting: The Ultimate Teen Guide

Pregnancy and Parenting: The Ultimate Teen Guide

Jessica Akin

Gaby Rodriguez, The Pregnancy Project (New York: Simon & Schuster Books, 2013). Enraged by the negative statistics and stereotypes teen mothers often face , this memoir is the firsthand account of author Gaby Rodriguez's experiences ...
Contractualism and Citizenship

Contractualism and Citizenship


Contractualism and Citizenship Contents Introduction 1 Terry Carney, Gaby Ramia and Anna Yeatman Contractualism and Citizenship: Rivals or Bedfellows ? 8 Terry Carney and Gaby Ramia The Role of Contract in the Democratisation of  ...
Riding the Universe

Riding the Universe

Gaby Triana

Chloé Rodriguez values three things above all else—her family; her best friend, Rock; and Lolita, her Harley-Davidson 1200 Sportster.


John Logan

Drama John Logan Characters: 5 male, 2 female Various sets.
Wake the Hollow

Wake the Hollow

Gaby Triana

Tragedy has brought Micaela Burgos back to her hometown of Sleepy Hollow.


Gaby Triana

But the more Isa tries to detach herself from her roots, the more tangled she becomes. Will she ever find the normal American life she dreams of? Or is she destined to become a cubanita after all?


Peter Carey

When Gaby Bailleux released the Angel Worm into Australia's prison system, allowing hundreds of asylum seekers to walk free, she also let the cat out of the bag.


Eric Weiner

When someone blows a fuse and leaves the entire borough of Brooklyn without electrical power, Tina and Gaby disappear in the confusion and the rest of the Ghostwriter team sets out to find them. Original.
Théâtre et intermédialité

Théâtre et intermédialité

Jean-Marc Larrue

Andrew Scott Berg, op. cit., p. 60-63 et 83-96. 43.– Pour une réevaluation de la culpabilité de Bruno Hauptmann, voir Jim Fisher, Ghosts of Hopewell. Setting the Record Straight in the Lindbergh Case, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University ...
Hauptmann centenary lectures

Hauptmann centenary lectures

More editions

1893 51. Anon: Recent German Fiction. Blackwood's Ed. Mag., CLIII, 92-97. ['Der Apostel' and 'Bahnwachter (sic) Thiel', with many quotations in translation]. 52. Anon: Herr H. Spectator, LXXI, 436-437. 53. Zimmermann, Robert: Germany. Ath.
The Pregnancy Project: A Memoir

The Pregnancy Project: A Memoir

Gaby Rodriguez

nieces, and nephews: Even though our lives may take different turns and we don' t always agree, no matter what, we're always a family in the end and I love you. To Zareen Jaffery, Sharlene Martin, and Anne Bremner: Thank you for making the  ...
Summer of Yesterday

Summer of Yesterday

Gaby Triana

Back to the Future meets Fast Times at Ridgemont High when Haley’s summer vacation takes a turn for the retro in this totally rad romantic fantasy.
Die verführerischen Vier

Die verführerischen Vier

Gaby Triana

Ein Sommerschmöker vor exotischer Kulisse Vier beste Freundinnen, eine Abschlussfahrt, eine Woche Party.
Junge Kirche

Junge Kirche

More editions

Zt. Kricgspfarrer im Westen, wurde das deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen verliehen. Zum Hauptmann befördert: Pfarrer Paul Barchewitz aus Oberhausen- Königshardt; Superintendent Bernecker, aus Heiligenbeil (Ostpr.); Pfarrer Postel aus ...

who called from an unknown number?